021 873 5038 | 021 007 0034 elmarie@sunfieldhome.co.za

Make a donation

Make a Donation

Sunfield Home is a registered non-profit company. Our income consists of monthly fees paid by parents and a government subsidy. The annual deficit is covered via contract work, countless fundraising campaigns and sympathetic and caring donors. These benefactors are our lifeblood. Their ongoing generosity and commitment is crucial to Sunfield Home’s future.

Financial systems are in place to ensure compliance and transparent financial management.

myschool card

My School Card

We encourage all our parents to make use of the My School Card when purchasing groceries. We receive a monthly percentage of the combined expenditure which greatly assists us in funding our projects.


If you should find yourself in the financial position to assist us in any way to help improve the lives of our residents, come and talk to us, or we can provide a formal proposal. We also can provide you with a B-BBEE certificate and an Article 18A receipt for tax purposes.

Donations can be made via our GivenGain page or via EFT.

Once off Donations

Bank details

Cheque Account
Acc: 10 0944 2177
Branch: 632005 / Wellington

Bank confirmation letter

Leave a legacy

If you would like to leave a gift that keeps on giving and to honour your legacy, get in touch with us by contacting christie@faurefaure.co.za