Arts and Crafts: finding joy and value in creativity
No matter who you are, or where on the path of life you stand, arts and crafts are one of the best routes to finding a sense of joy, self-expression, and feelings of accomplishment. This applies particularly to individuals with intellectual disabilities; arts and...
Rocco Adams: Empowering Lives at Sunfield Home
Rocco Adams serves as a beacon of hope and support as a social worker at Sunfield Home, where his dedication and compassion create a nurturing environment for residents who often face significant challenges. Each day unfolds with a unique blend of triumphs and trials,...
Advocating for the rights and inclusion of intellectually disabled people
Advocating for the rights and inclusion of intellectually disabled people, while essential, is not an easy hurdle to overcome. We all posture for creating a society that values diversity, equity, and inclusion, but making space for those who may have difficulties in...
Tips for Integrating the Intellectually Disabled into Independent Living
For intellectually disabled people, who have in all likelihood already experienced a long educational and training process, the capability of finally moving into a more independent way of life is a valued goal. However, it remains a move that requires careful...
The Intellectually Disabled and Security Measures
Intellectual disabilities encompass a range of conditions affecting cognitive functioning and adaptive skills, and it follows that those with intellectual disability will invariably need attentive additional support at different life stages to navigate the world...
Learning Techniques that assist people with Intellectual Disability
People with intellectual disability are faced with unique challenges when engaging with the basic learning processes needed to assist with daily life, social interaction, and the possible eventual entry to the working world. Over the years, advancements in educational...
Enrich your life by embracing those with Intellectual Disability
Embracing people with intellectual disabilities is good for you! It’s like a cold shower of enlightenment. Because many of your complaints may fade against the fortitude and resilience of people who do not have life as easy as you. So, it’s not only a moral imperative...
A Journey of Compassion: Sarel van der Merwe’s Dedication to the Lives of People with Disabilities
His life's journey took him through military training in Oudtshoorn in 1969, followed by the Army Gymnasium and later the Commando Combat School in Kimberley, where he served as an instructor. During the bush war south of the Angolan border in 1977, he served in...
‘n Reis van Medemenslikheid: Sarel van der Merwe se toewyding aan die lewe van gestremdes
Sy lewenspad het hom in 1969 deur militêre opleiding op Oudtshoorn geneem, daarna die Leërgimnasium en later na die Kommando Krygskool op Kimberley waar hy as instrukteur gedien het. Gedurende die bosoorlog suid van die Angolese grens het hy in 1977 vir 4 maande...
Owning a Business: tips and possibilities for the intellectually disabled
Many people are keen to start their own businesses, and their struggle may be as challenging as anything an intellectually disabled person may find daunting in operating the business itself. However, for a disabled person there are aspects that can engender a range of...